03 : About me

My Story

My name is Dru Hart, but you can just call me Dru. I was born and raised in the Des Moines area. Ever since a young boy, movies have impacted my life. Film has dictated my way of thinking, my identity, and has shaped me into who I am today. Due to this strong connection, I've been making videos for a long time. As a child, I'd make skit videos with my friends and then edit them myself. When I got older, I started investing in more advanced equipment which opened the door for more advanced edits and camerawork. This led me to getting into short film creation. I am now in my 20s and still have the same passion as I did then: filmmaking and storytelling. My goal in life is to write and direct my own movie! In the meantime, I work on short films and projects with friends. I also do contract work, and will shoot anything from people's personal events to music videos.

My Experience

I have experience and knowledge in cameras and lenses, cinematography, video editing, color grading, sound mixing, acting, directing, shot-listing, storyboarding, and screenplay writing. I am also experienced in hip-hop, performing, writing songs, making beats, making cinematic instrumentals, mixing, and more.

My Goals

I am in my 20s and still have the same passion as I did when I was a child: filmmaking & storytelling. My goal in life is to write and direct my own movie! I know there is a long road head of me, but you got to start somewhere.